Classroom Management
HOMEWORK TEAM: Each student will have a
picture of themselves placed on the homework team board. If students don’t
finish an assignment or fail to turn it in, their picture will be removed. On
the last Friday of every month, those students whose pictures are still on the
homework team board, will get to have lunch in the classroom and receive a
special treat. All student pictures will go back up on the board at the
beginning of each month.
BONUS BUCKS – COACH CASH: Bonus bucks are a reward
system for individual students. Students can receive bonus bucks for getting
their planners signed each night, doing well on quizzes or tests, being a good
peer to classmates, and etc. On the last Friday of each month, students will
get the opportunity to “spend” their bonus bucks. To illustrate, we might have
an auction or even have a concession stand.
BROWNIE POINTS: Brownie points are a reward
system for the entire class – in Mrs. Wick’s room. Each time the entire class
is listening and behaving appropriately, they will receive a brownie. Once the
class earns all of the brownies, (when the pan is full) we will have a class
party (extra recess, a special treat, class movie, etc.).
HIGHLIGHTS: Highlights are a discipline
system for individual students. When a teacher catches a student misbehaving or
acting inappropriately during class, they will mark a highlight on student’s
calendars which are located in their purple folders. Students can also receive a highlight by not turning in or
completing a homework assignment on time. When students receive a highlight,
they are to take home their calendars and have their parent or guardian sign
the back. Students who receive less than 5 highlights will receive an award on
the last Friday of each month. If a student receives 5 or more but less than 8,
they will receive half that reward.
Finally, if they receive 8 or more highlights in a month’s time, they
will not participate in the reward at all.
REMIND 101 APP: If you would like to receive
text messages or emails about what is happening in Mrs. Wick’s class you can do
the following on your phone or computers:
Phones: enter the number 708-321-4151 and in the message type @mrswickco
in the recipients box and you can leave the subject blank
grade student will receive a planner on the first day of school. It is expected
that students have their planners signed each
night by a parent or guardian. This is a good way for parents and guardians
to know of any homework assignments or even upcoming quizzes and tests. Planners will be checked each day
right before lunch. If a student does not get their planner signed or they
misplaced it, they will not receive recess on that particular day, and they
will also receive an additional highlight.
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